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Building Internal Power Part 3: Cleansing the Soul

Season #4 Episode #9

Building Internal Power is a big part of the Chi Kung proces. In this series we like to take you through the stages of development. In this third part we talk about the soul (the astral body). A large part of the training focusses on the refinement of the soul and how we put awareness on all the layers we have stored there. Enjoy!

Live Online (ZOOM) Workshop + Q&A
Saturday June 10th 2023
Sign up: Awakening the Energy Body Workshop (
7.30-9.30 pm (CEST) (link to timeconverter)

Come join this 2 hour workshop, that will guide you through the process of waking up your energy body.  This is the first step to truly go internal, so you can start working with your energy.

If you are a beginner, this workshop is a great place to start. And for anyone training Chi Kung or Tai Chi and missing the experience of energy, this will take your training to the next level.